
Showing posts with label hackers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hackers. Show all posts


ISKCON is building a massive "Temple of the Vedic Planetarium" in West Bengal to showcase its founder's belief that Vedic cosmology-- though obviously a compendium of ancient myths--is factual. ​

What follows is the reaction of the Hare Krishna cult's founder, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, to the Apollo 11 moon landing on 20 July 1969:​

So they never worshipped Chandra [the moon-god], and how can they go to the Chandra planet? Then Krishna is false. Krishna is imperfect. They are defying Krishna's instruction. They have gone to the moon planet. ​ 


  • Any student of comparative religion knows that the cosmology of major religions share many similarities and, however ingenious and complex, are all products of the human imagination. They are all as "scientific" as fortune-telling and astrology. ​
  • It goes without saying that modern-day Hindus, who are well-represented internationally in science, medicine, and other STEM-related fields, can be trusted to know the difference between myth contained in scripture and knowledge derived from the scientific method. 

Why, then, does the "Beliefs" section of the Hindu Forum Britain's webpage contain this ad verbum quotation from an ISKCON webpage:​

When we look up into the sky we see the source of that light, the sun planet, powerful and brilliant. And if we could somehow go to that planet we could meet the sun-god, the person who rules the sun.    ​

Do the editors of the Hindu Forum Britain webpage assume that its readers actually believe in Vedic cosmology and therefore regard the sun as a planet ruled by a demigod? Clearly, something is wrong. 

The answer is obvious to anyone who has visited the Hindu Forum Europe ( and Hindu Forum Britain ( The ISKCON membership is evident from the lists of member organizations as well as the publicity materials (event photographs, etc.). Under the cover that Hinduism is primarily a cultural rather than purely religious affliation for most Hindus, ISKCON has crawled under the gate, so to speak, and has used its public relations expertise to great effect.

That the Hare Krishna cult uses the various Hindu Forum groups to promote itself as the most successful proponent of Hindu Dharma internationally is a slap on the face to any genuine Hindu. 

I have written about how the founder/acharya of ISKCON openly denounced major Hindu saints and ridiculed Hinduism itself, but if you haven't read any of it, here are a few representative essays:

Buzz Aldrin: Moonwalk July 1969



This posting is in response to the numerous attempts at hacking that have plagued my blog and websites during the past year. Most of these appear to originate from Russia; others from various spots in Europe and North America. Regardless of their sources, these cowardly acts are clearly attempts by the disciples of Gopal Krishna Goswami to obliterate blog postings that contain potentially damaging information about their beloved guru.
Phoenix Rising from the Ashes

A few have been attempts to damage the formatting of my blog, all of which are exercises in futility since my blogs were created and updated on Google. Any attempt at interfering with Google products—truly the backbone of the Web—is doomed to failure in any case. Another more common attempt at bringing down my blogs is through submitting virus infected comments.These nuisances are easy to detect and my response is to simply press the delete key.Those of you who have read any of my postings know that they are generally full-length essays and can imagine how much time and energy go into writing each one.It has taken a great deal of forbearance on my part not to retaliate against these ISKCON-authorized hackers but I have reached the limits of my tolerance.

Before I continue with my response to the acts of these Internet pirates,one thing needs to be perfectly clear: I indeed value my privacy and thus have revealed only the incidents that occurred during my ten year long Hare Krishna arranged “marriage” to Gopal Krishna that contain acts I (and all civilized societies) consider criminal in nature. To reveal more is painful for me inasmuch as they also bring to mind how devoted I was to my guru and how strictly and sincerely I adhered to his teachings. Those of you who are former old-time devotees might know something about what I feel, but my particular circumstances do merit special consideration. My method of recollecting the indignities I suffered at the hands of my ex-“husband” will begin with a description of the incident in question and then provide some relevant background information.

FYI: dear hackers, for each of the five most recent attempts to destroy my blogs, I will reciprocate with five incidents of interest to my readers, one below and the others to follow shortly in this blog and its companion blogs: All are intended to enlighten current and prospective donors and ISKCON members, not defame or otherwise malign any party. However, the truth is the truth. The hackers in question surely understand that my essays are my intellectual property and, if you seek to destroy anybody's property, there will be consequences. So, prabhus, if you are upset at the following disclosures and want to assign blame, just go to a mirror and you will see the culpable party staring back at you.

I want to preface my description of what I am calling incident number one with an accusation that was hurled at me by someone who sent me a nasty comment on one of my blog postings. This individual declared that all of it was “lies,”a typical response from a brainwashed Hare Krishna believer. Sorry, it is all the truth. In fact, if you subjected me to the most sophisticated lie detection/polygraph systems used by any of the world’s major clandestine organizations, or injected me with one of their most effective truth serums, it would all turn out the same.


Might I have avoided all of the suffering I endured during my decade-long “marriage” if I had simply left? This was another claim made by someone who sent me a comment on one of my postings. When I read that bit of naïveté, I laughed, remembering what I and other devotee women did to that end and how we were thwarted at every turn. One woman I knew back in the day and whom I actually helped recruit wrote to me last year, describing what transpired when she attempted to leave her husband (from an arranged marriage, of course). When she fled to her mother's house, he followed her and dragged her back to the hovel they lived in near the temple and proceeded to inflict another of the many beatings she endured until she and her tormentor got a divorce years later. In my case, when I repeatedly begged Gopal Krishna to end the charade of our marriage (particularly after our guru himself informed me that he had nothing to do with arranging it), he used the following tactics:
  • He informed me that he had spoken to a devotee he knew with a legal background about my intentions and that, under New York State law, I could be sued for desertion if I tried to leave. At the time, I was 18 years old and ignorant of the law, so I was understandably intimidated. 
  • After I persisted, Gopal undertook to frighten me even further, telling me that he would inform the New York City Housing Authority that my grown siblings still lived with my mother, with the intention of having my entire family evicted and turned out on the street. 
  • Finally, after I piteously begged him to leave me alone and let me go home, he explained to me the real reason why he would not let me leave him:[i] 


Dear Readers, after you finish vomiting up your lunch, try to understand how profoundly disgusted and repelled I was at Gopal Krishna's revelation. It should come as no surprise that any mention of our marriage has been completely deleted from his official autobiography on the Internet, as if it never occurred. Was this the recompense I deserved after giving up my teenage years and educational opportunities in my quest to serve my guru and his mission? 

Some offenses are too great to “forgive and forget,” as a well-known follower of Gopal Krishna once advised to me to do, as if he could have any idea of how such maltreatment damages a life. The trauma is usually so great that it effectively silences the sufferer for decades, if not permanently. That I have chosen to speak out is a blessing that has turned the misery I suffered into a mission: I believe that my blogs have helped at least a few of the hundreds who visit them each day. May the grace of the Lord and His guidance illuminate each of your lives.

I would like to end this essay with a snapshot of the life I led as a very young devotee just prior to the catastrophe I have detailed above. Every day I would rise at 4:00 like every other devotee, shower and quickly prepare breakfast for my little Jagganath deities (usually halva and the few mixed nuts and maybe, if I could afford it, a few figs and an apple or pear). Then I would prepare the aarti, offering incense and other offerings as I sang the devotional prayers as my mother slept in the bed across from my own. Then I would draw the curtains across the tiny house where my deities waited for me until I came home. Then I would eat part of the prasadam I had prepared and pack the rest in a piece of plastic wrap and take it with me to eat during the lunch break at school. After that, I would leave the house with my books and my bead bag, and embark on the bus and hour-long subway ride that took me to school in Manhattan (New York City). While on the subway, I would discretely chant as many of my 16 rounds on my japa beads as possible. At school, I would preach as far as possible and during lunch could be found sitting by myself in the crowded, boisterous lunchroom, eating my meager meal while reading my guru’s translation of the Gita or his latest volume of the Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagwat Purana). After arriving home in the late afternoon, I would prepare my deities a simple evening meal, change their clothes, kiss them goodnight, and perform another aarti, after which I would do my homework and finish my 16 rounds. 

No friends (nor boyfriends, ever!), little contact with my family, all in the hope of pleasing my beloved guru and serving (what I believed to be) the Godhead in the form of Sri Krishna. Weekends found me putting on a sari and tilok, trekking to the ISKCON temple--then at 61 Second Avenue --and going on sankirtan on Saturday and on Sunday helping to prepare the love feast. If I couldn’t make it to the temple on Saturday, I would spend the day creating oil paintings of various aspects of the Krishna legend. All holidays and the summer vacation were spent in this way. I frequently wrote to my guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and received lengthy replies and his sincere approbation.[ii]

This snapshot of my devotional life in my senior year of high school included my receiving an unsolicited invitation from Columbia University to apply for the Fall semester, which I disregarded thinking that I would find myself living and preaching in an ISKCON temple after graduation. I had no idea at the time that I had thrown away my precious, irreplaceable teenage years chasing a delusion or of the monster who would complete my nightmare by robbing me of most of my youth and young adulthood through his grossly inhuman maltreatment. 

A final word for the ISKCON hackers whose malice caused the above disclosures: be advised that your actions have effectively cancelled any previous agreements I might have made not to directly contact ISKCON members or its leadership. Those days are over. From now on, my modus operandi will be entirely proactive. 

N.B.  24 December 2017: The recent attempted murder is the last straw and I assure the miscreants that they will be fully repaid for their foolishness. Enough is enough!


[i] The primary reason such efforts were made by Gopal Krishna (Goswami? Try “Godasa”) and others to hold on to arranged marriages that were doomed from the start or shortly thereafter is due to our guru’s absolute proscription on second marriages. Most Grihasta (the term for “householder” or married men) saw the once-a-month ritualized mating they were allowed as better than nothing and clung to their mates regardless of the misery these loveless “marriages” caused both parties. For more information about this matter, see:

It should also be noted that our guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, took great care in cultivating an image of himself as an omniscient spiritual advisor whose dictates were beyond criticism and were meant to control every aspect of his followers’ lives. Often this took the form of altering translations from the original Sanskrit to suit his purposes, as he does in the following except from his commentary (“purport”) from a verse from his translation of the Srimad Bhagavatam, 7.12.11:

Similarly, there are strong restrictions for grhasthas. Grhasthas should indulge in sex life only in accordance with the order of the guru. Therefore it is mentioned here that one must follow the orders of the spiritual master (guru-vrttir vikalpena). When the spiritual master orders, the grhastha may accept sex life.

The problem here should be obvious: the “guru” here is simply meant to signify an elder and his advice would have consisted of recommendations about the more auspicious time to conceive, that’s all. Vedic society respected the privacy rights of married persons as much as any other advanced civilization.

For more information in this regard, see my essays:
